Free CLE seminar on Second Life®, “Web 2.0 Tools for Lawyers”

sl_bar_association_150x150_logoAs I have mentioned before on my blog, I am a big fan of the virtual world of  Second Life and am active in the Second Life Bar Association.  A terrific opportunity is coming up this weekend to earn free continuing legal education credit (California, 2.0 hours) and to learn about web 2.0 tools for lawyers.  Kate Fitz will be presenting a seminar on Second Life about web 2.0 tools on Saturday, May 2, 2009 at 12:00 p.m.  I was fortunate to attend the first seminar Kate did and learned a great deal.  This seminar is an expansion of the first.

“Web 2.0” tools include:  blogs, vlogs (video blogs), social networks, wikis, Flickr, YouTube, Twitter, RSS feeds, and much more. Many of these tools are free. This seminar will show you how to use these tools to keep up-to-date, enhance your research and collaborative work, network with colleagues and clients, and market your practice. Participants will receive handouts including links to the featured web tools.

Ms. Fitz  (JD, MLIS) is a reference librarian with the Sacramento County Public Law Library. She is also the founder of the Lawspot Virtual Worlds Law Library in Second Life. Ms. Fitz practiced law in California for several years before changing focus to law librarianship. She teaches Internet legal research as well as courses on Westlaw, other subscription databases, and forms and pleadings; she also co-teaches a course for self-represented litigants on basic court procedure.

For more information on how to register for the seminar, you may check the SL Bar Association’s registration page. If you would more information about the SL Bar Association in general, please visit our website.

If you have any questions that are not answered on those web pages (or even if they are answered there),  about the Second Life Bar Association, please feel free to contact me.

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The Law Office of Geri N. Kahn assists San Francisco Bay Area residents with immigration and Social Security disability cases.
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